« Blessed be the cracked souls for they let the light pass through »

Painter, architect and colorist permanently exposed artist of the Art Center Hores in Sint-Martens-Latem, Knokke-Heist and Laren (Holland) since 2018, working at EXAR architects as interior designer and decorator since 2010, independent colorist and interior designer since 1998. Represented on Artsper since 2020

Sensible to the beauty of the ephemeral, Sylvie Dupont collects the delicate traces of the spiritual world. Her work tends to transcend reality, revealing the subtle energies that surround us. Painting becomes a form of magic. The spirit embodies the materials and, through them, touches our inner self. Between visible and suggested, the medium incarnates a fleeting moment. Partially laid bare it sends us back to our own fragility and lightness

The technical choice of working with diverse dilutions of acrylic paintings on a waterproof support translates her will to harmonize opposites in order to incarnate. As she has had to learn to do in her everyday life. Navigating between the seen and the unseen, finding those hidden sacred places where the magic can occur. She truly believes that there lie life’s greatest treasures


'Marvel Cabinet' exposition at The K art signatures gallery

Vernissage 6.12

Exposed by Art Center Horus

Permanently exposed by Art Center Horus in Knokke, Sint Martens Latem and in Laren (Holland)

Private expositions at EXAR architecture

Private expositions on demand in EXAR architectural atelier Avenue Louise 1050 Brussels